it started many years ago in a family of Godly and cultural values that lived together in peace and harmony. That all changed as I grew up and became an adult that needed to support myself and that of my own family. Dedicated to making a good stable life style in a system designed to fail, right from education, industry economics and the growing environment we live in.
It was time for change...
Moving from opportunity to opportunity I learnt many skills and gained much experience in building & construction, finance brokering, real estate sales & investment, estate planning, advertising, sales & marketing, computer technology & website development, law, business to business relationships and the needs, wants and values of my customer database. On the 26th January 2012, I registered an advertising, sales & marketing company called Global Advertising Internet Network Limited and in 2019 registered under Te Whare Matamuatanga o IO Aotearoha Kawanatanga as a Non-Government Foundation. It is an online trading system for B2B Advertising products and services to exchange for digital credits with an affiliate referral marketing program and pay it forward rewards initiative.
I am working towards revolutionizing the world to a new-age digital economy for a self-sustainable world of business economics in a Cashless Society. A Cooperative Society (Mahi Tahi) bringing people together under God's Kingdom on Earth:- One King - GOD; One Law; One people; One Kingdom at peace - world without end.
Below is my divinely inspired transitioning solution.... Platform 1 - GAIN 2U Matrix Platform 2 - SMART EXCHANGE 2020 Click HERE for the direct link to the website. Other Interests and Ventures: My next enterprise is creating affordable lease to buy housing through an affiliate referral matrix of commission-based listing agents for real estate. IAM in the process of developing self-governance and self-determination with the Kingdom House of io, Te Whare Matamuatanga o IO Aotearoha Kawanatanga - Kingdom House of IO The World of Love Governance. Currently we have a Crown Embassy Office in Hokianga, Aotearoa, [New Zealand]. I am a Guardian Of Divinity/Ambassador and Present Protectorate over this Kingdom. https://return-to-eden.weebly.com/ I am in the process of establishing an Arikitanga Tino Rangatiratanga Mana Motuhake Suv'eran Authority, whanau kindom Hapū called the Marsich-Crown-Kingdom and standing as an elected Rangatiratanga Tribal Hapū Paramount Chief of this Kingdom. I am known and respected by our local community and throughout our territory. I take part in cultural events. I sit in High Council with Rangatiratanga o Te Wakaminenga o Ngā Hapū o Nu Tīrani over He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tirani, as well as our own Native Privy Council. I have alliances with many Rangatiratanga and the Maori Government of Maniapoto and other Wakaminenga Congress Assembled. Most of my business affairs are conducted online now. https://marsich-crown-kingdom.weebly.com/ |
A lonely walk in the wilderness of a lost civilization set on destroying itself we find a divinely inspired solution of a digital economy and cashless society. A conscious community in common unity with a solution that will end poverty and oppression forever. A restoration and salvation plan for hue-manity by our Supreme Creator io m-atua te runga rawa i nga rangi. |